
Meet the Participants

Meet this year’s featured participants! They are just a few of the produce industry professionals who are taking on the Clean Eating Challenge. These amazing men and women have stepped up to challenge themselves and have agreed to share their journey during the next several months. Get to know them and follow their journey to wellness. Let them inspire you!

Angelica Gayon

Hello 👋 I’m Angelica Gayon, and I’m a fresh face in the produce industry. In fact, my very first tradeshow in this industry was Viva Fresh 2023, where I had the opportunity to make some real friends in this new project.🌱🤝

Angelica Gayon

Since embarking on this journey, my schedule has been nothing short of hectic. 💫 It's been filled with long hours and a continuous stream of learning as I immerse myself in this world. 🕗 As I approach my 1st anniversary with Produce Business magazine at Viva Fresh, I have one clear goal in mind: to feel better, healthier, and stronger than I did last year. 💪

I understand that I'm signing up for a challenging endeavor, especially with the holiday season on the horizon. 🎄 But what excites me is the array of resources at my disposal. I now have access to a wealth of information and a dazzling variety of new fruits and vegetables that I never knew existed. 🍒🥬 Plus, I have the unwavering support of an incredible community that is always open and delighted to lend a helping hand. 🍎🥦🍇 #NewBeginnings #CleanEatingJourney #HealthyCommunity

Angie Velasquez

Hello 👋 I’m Angie, and I’ve been a part of the produce industry for a little over 7 years. I’ve worked in Accounting across various industries, but produce has stolen my heart. 🍒🍋 Growing up, my family and I migrated to Michigan,

Angie Velasquez

Hello 👋 I'm Angie, and I've been a part of the produce industry for a little over 7 years. I've worked in Accounting across various industries, but produce has stolen my heart. 🍒🍋 Growing up, my family and I migrated to Michigan, where we harvested an array of fruits and vegetables along the way, including asparagus, cucumbers, apples, berries, squash, and melons. 🍎🍈 Back then, I had no idea how much planning, coordination, and teamwork went into getting fresh produce from the field to our tables. 🍽️ Now, I work with an incredible team at Lone Star Citrus Growers, and I couldn't be happier to be on the inside. 🍊

This is my second time joining the Clean Eating Challenge, and I'm thrilled to meet this year's participants, share recipes, provide motivation, and develop healthier eating habits together. 🥗 I'll admit, I didn't fully commit to the program the first time, but I'm determined to do things differently now. My goal is to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into simple, delicious daily meals and consciously increase my level of activity. 🍉🥕This challenge is a fantastic way to stay focused, with the guidance of those who have the knowledge and experience to mentor us. 💖🌟

Let's do this! 💪🥦🍎 #CleanEatingJourney #HealthyHabits #LetsCrushIt

Brett Johnson

Hello, industry friends! 👋 I’ve been a part of the produce industry for a solid 21 years, and I can’t imagine ever leaving. It feels like everyone here is family by this point. 😊I’ve watched some industry friends take on the clean eating challenge

Brett Johnson

Hello, industry friends! 👋 I've been a part of the produce industry for a solid 21 years, and I can't imagine ever leaving. It feels like everyone here is family by this point. 😊I've watched some industry friends take on the clean eating challenge in the past, and I've reached a point in my life where I know I need it too. 🥗🏆

As I approach the big 5-0 in 2024, I'm noticing a significant number of changes with my body. I can't just shed weight like I used to, my blood work is heading in the wrong direction 💉📈, and I ache in places I never did before. 😩 Personally, I want to delay going on any medication for as long as I possibly can, and I believe the path to do that lies in what I eat and how I exercise. 🍽️💪

My wife, Marlo, and I are parents to three teenage boys, and we're determined to set an example with good, healthy food. 🥦🍎 My boys often join me on hikes, and we relish the time together outdoors. 🌄 It's fantastic to have the opportunity as a father to show them the profound impact the outdoors has on our physical and mental health, especially as they navigate the challenges of entering adulthood. 🧑‍💼

As I embark on this year's challenge, I'm truly excited to have the support system my industry comrades can offer. It's all about making better eating choices, finding the motivation to get up and move, and achieving my goals. LET'S GO! 🏃🍏🌄 #HealthyAt50 #FamilyWellness #CleanEatingJourney

Franco Medrano

Why am I taking on this challenge? 🤔 The simple answer is to shed some pounds, improve my fitness, and work on embracing a healthier lifestyle. 🏃🍏 But there are more motivating factors in play. Almost every male on my mother’s side

Franco Medrano

Why am I taking on this challenge? 🤔 The simple answer is to shed some pounds, improve my fitness, and work on embracing a healthier lifestyle. 🏃🍏 But there are more motivating factors in play. Almost every male on my mother's side of the family has battled diabetes or has sadly succumbed to complications from diabetes and hypertension. 📈 So, I need to be proactive rather than reactive, given my high predisposition to these health concerns.

To add to the mix, a couple of months ago, I was in an accident that left me with herniated discs in my neck and back. 🚑 This has already affected how I exercise and what activities I should or should not engage in. That's why my eating habits and overall eating lifestyle have taken on even more significance, as they will play a crucial role in leading a full and healthy life going forward. 💪🍏🏋️‍♂️ #HealthyFuture #ProactiveChoices #LifeChanges

Horacio Vlaminck

I’m Horacio, and I may be “new” in the produce industry, but I practically grew up in it due to our family business. 👪 💼 Before this, I worked in hospitals, and I can tell you, I never had much time for myself. 💉 🩺 Those 15-hour shifts,

Horacio Vlaminck

I'm Horacio, and I may be "new" in the produce industry, but I practically grew up in it due to our family business. 👪 💼 Before this, I worked in hospitals, and I can tell you, I never had much time for myself. 💉 🩺 Those 15-hour shifts, the chaos of COVID – it took a toll on my health, especially my eating habits. 😷

When I joined this company, I discovered the Clean Eating Challenge at Viva Fresh, thanks to one of my colleagues who was taking it on. I thought it was a brilliant idea and a great opportunity for me to set a personal challenge and connect with amazing people in the industry. I've already started making some changes to my eating habits, and I couldn't be more excited about this journey! 💪🥗🥦

#CleanEatingJourney #HealthyHabits

Jeannie Fagan

Shalom, I’m Jeannie Fagan. 🌟 I’m a proud mother of two, happily married to my best friend for nearly 20 years. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 For the past couple of years, I’ve had the privilege of working at Lone Star Citrus Growers 🍊 and I absolutely love being part of this team.

Jeannie Fagan

Shalom, I'm Jeannie Fagan. 🌟 I'm a proud mother of two, happily married to my best friend for nearly 20 years. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 For the past couple of years, I've had the privilege of working at Lone Star Citrus Growers 🍊 and I absolutely love being part of this team. Not only have I grown as an accountant, but I've also developed a newfound appreciation for all the hard work and dedication it takes to manage and work the citrus fields that provide delicious grapefruit and oranges to thousands of people across the nation. 💪🌎 It's an incredible and humbling experience to witness the process from the ground/farm to the table. 🌱🍽️

My journey towards a healthier lifestyle has always been a struggle. It's been tough to connect with the purpose of cleaner eating and maintaining a healthier life. 💖 But it wasn't until I began my walk with Christ that I realized my body doesn't belong to me; it's the temple of the Holy Spirit and belongs to the Lord (1 Corinthians 6:19) ✝️. So, I decided enough was enough; it's time to take a stand and live a healthier lifestyle. 🌟

What's even more exciting is that I find myself in an incredibly advantageous position to succeed in my new lifestyle journey, thanks to the accountability that comes with this amazing network of individuals who are all seeking to achieve the same goal in the clean eating challenge. For me, this is more than just a clean eating challenge. It's the beginning of a never-ending journey of continual growth in my life, mentally, spiritually, and physically. 🥗✝️🚴‍♀️I'm thrilled to get started and to be in fellowship with like-minded go-getters who understand the value of clean eating. 💪🌱 #HealthyTemple #CleanEatingJourney #StrongerTogether

Jessica Ortega

Hello there! 👋 I’m Jessica, and I’m absolutely thrilled to be back. I’ve been a part of the produce industry for a whopping 24 years, and I can’t get enough of it. Working with different people and conquering the unique challenges…

Jessica Ortega

Hello there! 👋 I'm Jessica, and I'm absolutely thrilled to be back. I've been a part of the produce industry for a whopping 24 years, and I can't get enough of it. Working with different people and conquering the unique challenges of the produce world is incredibly fulfilling for me. 🌎

In 2022, I embarked on the Clean Eating Challenge, and it was an amazing ride. I was proud to be a member of Team Fresh and Fab, and we had an amazing coach, Ashley, who kept us motivated the whole way. 💪With the incredible support of my teammates, Megan and Jash, I achieved results that I never thought were possible. This challenge has taught me the invaluable lessons of accountability and camaraderie.

This year has presented some particularly tough times for my family, especially my youngest daughter's health struggles. 😷 It's been a challenging period for us all, but I'm determined to take the first step towards a healthier lifestyle. 💖🥗 I admit, I lost myself in the midst of these hardships, but I'm on a mission to regain my strength and rediscover myself. I'm fully prepared to embrace this challenge with open arms! 💪🌟 #HealthyComeback #FamilyFirst #NewBeginnings

Jihoon Kim

Hey there, I’m all about the perfect mix of creativity and financial wizardry! 🌟💰

I’ve been on an exciting journey with The Produce Industry Podcast for over 15 years 💼. In this adventure…


Jihoon Kim

Hey there, I'm all about the perfect mix of creativity and financial wizardry! 🌟💰

I've been on an exciting journey with The Produce Industry Podcast for over 15 years 💼. In this adventure, I wear many hats: I'm a strategic business consultant, operations and financial guru, startup specialist, territory growth extraordinaire, and don't forget the creative consulting and marketing maestro 🎩🚀.

My heart is set on sparking sustainable growth and expanding markets for both startups and industry giants 🌱📈. Building high-performing teams, breaking into new markets, and supercharging e-Commerce sales are right up my alley! 💪🌍💼

Now, let's chat about the pandemic plot twist 🦠. COVID really threw us all for a loop, didn't it? It messed with my daily routine and left me feeling more tired than ever before 😴. But here's the twist: I'm on a mission to revamp my eating habits, chasing that elusive energy boost to conquer the day! 🥦🍏

Join me on this journey as I blend creativity, financial know-how, and newfound vitality to conquer the world 🌏🚀! #EnergizeYourLife #BusinessWhiz #HealthyHabits

Jim Koelsch

Hey there, I’m Jim! 🚴‍♂️🌱 While I might be a newcomer to the produce industry, I’ve embarked on a mission with the Four Seasons Family of Companies as their Vice President of Technology 🌍💼. In 2017, I took a deep dive…


Jim Koelsch

Hey there, I'm Jim! 🚴‍♂️🌱 While I might be a newcomer to the produce industry, I've embarked on a mission with the Four Seasons Family of Companies as their Vice President of Technology 🌍💼.

In 2017, I took a deep dive into a 100% plant-based nutrition journey 🌿🥗, drawing inspiration from Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn's "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease" 📚. Though I witnessed some fantastic results, sticking to this healthy lifestyle came with its own set of challenges.

Life threw me a curveball in December 2022 with a cycling accident 🚴‍♂️🤕. But guess what? I bounced back stronger than ever, shedding 43 pounds and achieving remarkable blood test results 🏋️‍♂️📈. It fueled my commitment to foster healthy habits that transform and endure 🌟, which brings us to the Clean Eating Challenge! It's all about building a community that values accountability, education, encouragement, and the power of fresh produce nutrition 🍏🤝.

Now, my sights are set on conquering the Ironman70.3 NC triathlon on October 19th, 2024 🏊‍♂️🚴‍♂️🏃. Training for this event will demand all my time, energy, and mental focus. That's why I firmly believe that a plant-based diet is the ultimate way to fuel my body, and now I'm on a quest to discover the 'How.'

I'm a ✝️ Christian 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Husband, Dad to 3 daughters and 2 sons-in-law, Grandpa (Poppie) 💻 IT Guy 🚴‍♂️ Cyclist and Triathlete, and now on a journey to becoming a "Produce Guy," conquering new heights of health and fitness! 🌱🏆 #PlantPower #TriathlonDreams #HealthyHabits

John Toner

Starting to work at the young age of 13 as the mark boy at the Northern Lake George Yacht Club, I discovered that I have a passion for being around people. And little did I know then…


John Toner

Starting to work at the young age of 13 as the mark boy at the Northern Lake George Yacht Club I discovered that I have a passion for being around people. And little did I know then, a little about volunteer management and running a non-profit organization. This led me to become a US Sailing Certified instructor at the age of 17, and started to teach at the East Coast's largest sailing school the Washington Sailing School teaching adults from 25-65 the fun and joy of sailing. (For those that have sailed I see you smiling as you read this). Teaching adults how to sail (old dog, new tricks) taught me patience, communication and respect for different learning abilities. During college and for a couple of years after I worked at Safeway as Food Clerk, and towards the end Dairy Merchandiser. This taught me merchandising, customer service, and the value of the food dollar. I learned a little bit about supply chain and order replenishment at this time.

In September 1999 during my days off from Safeway I temped at United Fresh in the accounting department. One thing has led to another and I found myself serving the fresh produce industry for 22 rewarding years as the VP, Convention and Industry Collaboration.   After a merger with Produce Marketing Association the International Fresh Produce Association was formed and I served briefly as the Vice President, Political Affairs.  My work here has capitalized on everything I learned during my formative years from managing vendors, selling exhibit space, growing attendance and working with all convention partners to maximize value to all stakeholders in the event. While at United Fresh, I have learned A LOT about fresh produce, and even more about persistence, strategy vs. tactical management, sales, convention operations, and marketing.

Julissa Flores

The reason I’ve taken up the Clean Eating Challenge 2023-2024 is crystal clear✨: I want to learn the ropes of healthy eating, to feel better from the inside out, and to shed 15-20 lbs. 🥗💪

Julissa Flores

The reason I've taken up the Clean Eating Challenge 2023-2024 is crystal clear✨: I want to learn the ropes of healthy eating, to feel better from the inside out, and to shed 15-20 lbs. 🥗💪

  1. Learn how to eat healthy: While I've been making an effort to eat healthily, I'm not entirely sure if I've been getting the right amount of fruits and vegetables into my diet. This challenge is a fantastic learning opportunity for me, and I can't wait to pick up new knowledge along the way. 🍎🥦
  2. Feel better internally & eternally: You know the saying, "You are what you eat." Well, I'm all in for feeling healthy, looking healthy, and hoping that my skin radiates that health as I continue to age. It's all about that inner and outer glow. ✨🌟
  3. Lose 15-20 lbs.: I'm aiming to reach my ideal weight range of 135-145 lbs., where I feel not only lighter but also strong and healthy. It's time to hit that sweet spot and embrace my best self. 💃🏋️‍♀️ #HealthyGoals #CleanEatingJourney #BestSelf

Kimberly Labra

Hello 👋 my name is Kimberly Labra, I am 28 years young, and I’ve been carving my path in the food industry since 2016. 🥩🍅 My journey began in the picturesque landscapes of Alaska, where I…

Kimberly Labra

Hello 👋 my name is Kimberly Labra, I am 28 years young, and I've been carving my path in the food industry since 2016. 🥩🍅 My journey began in the picturesque landscapes of Alaska, where I worked for a salmon company. 🐟 Fast forward to 2022, and I took a leap into the produce industry, focusing on marketing and sales. 📊

Back in Mexico, I earned my degree in International Business, and I'm also an Ontological Coach, specializing in business psychology, from an online school in Argentina. 🎓 My wanderlust led me to spend some time living in Dallas, Texas, before I stumbled upon the fantastic opportunity to work at TRIPLEH. 🌟

I've always had a deep love for everything related to health and skincare. 🧴 Taking care of myself physically and mentally has consistently been a top priority in my life. 🏃🍏 I wholeheartedly believe that a healthy life paves the way for a long and happy one. 🌱💆‍♀️

My interest in taking on this challenge is rooted in my next step: studying Nutrition. 🍏 And what better way to kickstart this journey than by immersing myself in something I'm already immersed in daily? It's a fantastic opportunity to learn more and connect with amazing people who share the same passions. Let's do this! 💪🤝 #HealthyLife #CleanEatingJourney #NutritionEnthusiast

Kaitlyn Zucchi

Agriculture has been my family legacy for several generations and I’m forever thankful for the farming community. Born and raised in Los Angeles County, I relocated to the Central Valley of California as a teenager to finish high school.


Kaitlyn Zucchi

Agriculture has been my family legacy for several generations and I’m forever thankful for the farming community. Born and raised in Los Angeles County, I relocated to the Central Valley of California as a teenager to finish high school. I was embraced by my family’s agricultural roots with dairy and citrus operations.

I graduated from Fresno State with my MBA. Go Bulldogs! In 2016, I took a career break to serve active duty overseas in the US Army as a 5th generation military veteran.

I am grateful to work in produce where I can leverage my technical skills with a passion for communicating data trends and insights related to produce.

Lindsey Lance

Hey there, I’m Lindsey! 🌟 I’ve been on a wild 20-year ride in the Food and Beverage Industry 🎢. It all began during my high school and college days when I dove headfirst into the restaurant world to earn some cash 💰.

Julissa Flores

The reason I've taken up the Clean Eating Challenge 2023-2024 is crystal clear✨: I want to learn the ropes of healthy eating, to feel better from the inside out, and to shed 15-20 lbs. 🥗💪

  1. Learn how to eat healthy: While I've been making an effort to eat healthily, I'm not entirely sure if I've been getting the right amount of fruits and vegetables into my diet. This challenge is a fantastic learning opportunity for me, and I can't wait to pick up new knowledge along the way. 🍎🥦
  2. Feel better internally & eternally: You know the saying, "You are what you eat." Well, I'm all in for feeling healthy, looking healthy, and hoping that my skin radiates that health as I continue to age. It's all about that inner and outer glow. ✨🌟
  3. Lose 15-20 lbs.: I'm aiming to reach my ideal weight range of 135-145 lbs., where I feel not only lighter but also strong and healthy. It's time to hit that sweet spot and embrace my best self. 💃🏋️‍♀️ #HealthyGoals #CleanEatingJourney #BestSelf

Mayra Vazquez

I was born and raised in the vibrant heart of Mexico City MX and have always looked up to my dad’s entrepreneurial spirit and his global ambitions 🌟. His influence, combined with my deep affection for our family business, led me to take…

Mayra Vazquez

I was born and raised in the vibrant heart of Mexico City MX and have always looked up to my dad's entrepreneurial spirit and his global ambitions 🌟. His influence, combined with my deep affection for our family business, led me to take a daring leap at the tender age of 23. I bid farewell to my journalism career, one that had me working with PBS, Univision, Telemundo, and CNN 📺.

The call of my family's thriving produce business in Houston drew me back 🍉. Here, I encountered a fresh challenge, breaking barriers in the male-dominated produce industry as a young Latina 👩‍🌾. My immigrant background and unwavering spirit became invaluable assets 🌎.

My adventures have whisked me away to incredible places like Egypt, India, Serbia, and beyond 🌍, fueling my passion for helping those in need 🤝. My own battle with type 1 diabetes since the age of 14 has driven me to make it my mission to inspire others to lead healthier lives 🩺. I'm wholeheartedly devoted to promoting nutritious food and advocating for healthier lifestyles, especially within the Latino community 🍏💪.

Join me on my unique journey as I blend my love for food, journalism, and making a positive impact on the world 📰🌱. #FoodieForChange #LatinaBoss #HealthyLivingHero

Megan McKenna

Hey there, I’m Megan McKenna, your friendly Watermelon Wonder Woman! 🍉 Since December 2014, I’ve been on a juicy mission as the Senior Director of Marketing & Foodservice at the National Watermelon Promotion Board.

Megan McKenna

Hey there, I'm Megan McKenna, your friendly Watermelon Wonder Woman! 🍉 Since December 2014, I've been on a juicy mission as the Senior Director of Marketing & Foodservice at the National Watermelon Promotion Board. 🚀 My superpower? Boosting the demand for watermelon in foodservice. I'm the watermelon whisperer, collaborating with culinary wizards, marketing maestros, purchasing pros, and nutrition gurus to ensure watermelon shines on menus. 🌟 Before my melon-mania, I ruled the mango world at the National Mango Board. Starting as a Marketing Specialist in 2007 and leaving as the Director of Marketing in 2014. But let's rewind a bit: before I fell head over heels for produce and foodservice, I graduated from the University of Central Florida and had a stint at the Historical Society of Central Florida.

As a proud Floridian, I thrive outdoors. Winter Park, FL, is where I call home, living with my awesome squad: husband Jay, kiddos Sara Mae and James, and our trusty pup, Griswold. 🏡👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🐶 But there's more to this watermelon warrior! In January, I'm leveling up to the big 4-0, and it's got me thinking about my health journey. I want to age gracefully and stay fab, not just for me but for my fam, too! Feeling like I might be stuck in a fruit and veggie rut, I'm all in for the Clean Eating Challenge. It's not just about diet; it's about movement too. 🏃‍♀️🍏 I'm ready to get creative with my fruits and veggies, keeping things exciting and nutritious for the whole fam bam. Plus, I see this as a chance to connect with fellow produce enthusiasts and health buffs in the industry. I've been inspired by past participants, and now it's my turn to practice what I preach and join the ranks of those who walk the talk!

Let's get ready to CRUNCH and MUNCH our way to a healthier, happier decade ahead! 🥦🥕🥑 #CleanEatingChallenge #WatermelonWarrior #Fabulousat40

Oscar Garcia

Hey there, I’m Oscar Garcia! 👋 I’ve been navigating the produce world for over a decade. At 30 years young, I’m also a proud father of three incredible kids, and I’m on the fast track to what life has in store for me. 🌱🚀

Oscar Garcia

Hey there, I'm Oscar Garcia! 👋 I've been navigating the produce world for over a decade. At 30 years young, I'm also a proud father of three incredible kids, and I'm on the fast track to what life has in store for me. 🌱🚀 I've worn several hats in this amazing industry, from operations management to supply chain, and now, I'm juggling sales and operations combined. 💼 It's a testament to just how much we have to learn in this ever-evolving field! ✏️

My journey has taken me through various companies, where I've handled everything from imported citrus and vegetables to Texas-grown seasonal goodies and year-round products from Mexico. 🍋🥑 It wasn't my original career path, but with an open mind and the right opportunities, I've been soaking up knowledge every day.

My motivation? I'm determined to stay in great shape and enjoy a longer life to witness my future generations grow and relish the fruits of my labor, both figuratively and literally! 🍎🥦 It's funny, but when we're in season, I barely touch any other products because we get so busy, and processed foods become the easy choice. This challenge is about to change all that. 💪

I've been into working out and eating healthy for years, but consistency has been a challenge. That's precisely why this challenge is crucial. I'm eagerly looking forward to meeting my fellow team members who will join me on this incredible journey! Let's do this! 🏋️‍♂️🍏🤝 #HealthyLiving #CleanEatingJourney #TeamWork

Patrick Kelly

My name is Patrick Kelly and I am joining the Clean Eating Challenge to create a healthier lifestyle for me and my family. I have been training Jiu Jitsu for 18 months and started competing this year. Creating a healthier and cleaner lifestyle…

Patrick Kelly

My name is Patrick Kelly and I am joining the Clean Eating Challenge to create a healthier lifestyle for me and my family. I have been training Jiu Jitsu for 18 months and started competing this year. Creating a healthier and cleaner lifestyle will allow me to make a lifestyle than just a habit. I want to be able to include 50% of my plate being vegetables and having handfuls of fruit for snacking. It's time to up my game and be a healthier person overall.

Roxanne Martinez

Hello, my name is Roxanne and I have been in the produce business for 24 years.  I worked for 9 years for a local watermelon grower who packed, shipped and sold watermelons all over the US and parts of Canada.

Roxanne Martinez

Hello, my name is Roxanne and I have been in the produce business for 24 years.  I worked for 9 years for a local watermelon grower who packed, shipped and sold watermelons all over the US and parts of Canada.  Then I joined Frontera Produce where we pack, ship and sell many different items all over the US and Canada. I was born and raised in deep South Texas. Living so close to the US-Mexico border we have access to such a large variety of fruits and vegetables daily year around. I didn’t grow up exposed to too much processed foods but as I got older and attended college and started working it became easier just to grab and go the not so healthy stuff. I love fruits and vegetables.  Who am I kidding I LOVE FOOD!

After high school graduation I put on the freshman 15 (times 2). I was going to college and working and started enjoying all the bad food and drink items too much. I was almost 200 lbs when I got pregnant with my son.  I had trouble losing the “baby fat.” Just a note, he is 18 years old, and I am now almost back to what I weighed right before delivering my son. I have struggled with high triglycerides on and off over the last 4 years. I have had high blood pressure for the better part of 10 years. My clothes are getting tighter. I am in my late 40s and it is getting way too easy to gain weight now. I feel like I just breathe and l gain weight.  My energy most days comes from plain black coffee. I would prefer to sit and enjoy coffee rather than need it to keep me going through my day. I love food but I’m not sure how to keep my picky eaters (husband and son) fed without making separate meals for us. I don’t get out and get active like I should, and I don’t know about everyone else’s summer but it was a scorcher! All I wanted to do was sit on the beach under the shade and enjoy any breeze that came along.

This is my 2nd Clean Eating Challenge. I participated in the 2020-2021 challenge and lost 14lbs and my blood work was good when I was done. I felt great and then I let life happen to me and I never got back up. I need a push to get me going again.

Gabe Chavez

Born and raised in Pharr, Texas, I was born into the produce industry and had it running through my veins. From as young as I can remember, I would walk, hand in hand with my grandfather, picking tomatoes and squash from his farms in the…


Gabe Chavez

Born and raised in Pharr, Texas, I was born into the produce industry and had it running through my veins. From as young as I can remember, I would walk, hand in hand with my grandfather, picking tomatoes and squash from his farms in the Rio Grande Valley. As early as elementary school, I would spend all my free time working in the family business, Boler Farms Produce. After graduating from high school and while attending college, I went to work full time in sales to help build the foodservice side of the business. At age 19, my grandfather passed away and I stepped in to run the whole operation.

While growing up and throughout my time working in the business, I ate fresh vegetables and fruit in every meal like it was nobody’s business! Every evening, I would walk the coolers and take distressed produce home with me. That all came to a stop when we closed in 2012. It hasbeen downhill ever since. I suddenly found myself paying out of pocket for fresh veggies when previously I never had to. That, along with the cost of a new mortgage and supporting my wife and two children, the downward spiral of unhealthy eating began.

Fast-forward 11 years and here we are now…. Clean Eating Challenge 23-24. I heard of this for several years but never really had the determination to inquire anymore about it. It wasn’t until my daughter’s 4th birthday party that got me going. We were looking back at pictures from her birth and she points at the picture of me in the hospital and says, “That’s not you”. That hit me hard. I had never stopped and thought about how much I have physically changed, even in the last 4 years. That led me to start jogging… Well, 4 days in and my ankles started to swell up. I went to the doctor, did a full blood test and now found out I had high cholesterol, which I had never had before. All that being said, I knew something drastic had to happen. I had to get back to my roots. I went to the Viva Fresh website, looking for information about the CEC and here I am now! I am fully committed to the program and ready to get my health back by eating what I should have been this whole time- plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables! So excited to be part of this team! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

Susan Noritake

Hi there, I’m Susan! 👋 I’ve been deeply immersed in the world of selling and marketing produce for nearly 30 years. I have a profound love for fruits and vegetables and firmly believe that our industry plays…

Susan Noritake

Hi there, I'm Susan! 👋 I've been deeply immersed in the world of selling and marketing produce for nearly 30 years. I have a profound love for fruits and vegetables and firmly believe that our industry plays a pivotal role in overall health and wellness. 🍎🥦

My days are bustling and can sometimes throw a wrench in my quest for healthy choices. It's often all too tempting to go for what's readily available instead of taking the time to prepare something wholesome. 🍽️ Throw in some travel and entertaining, and the complexity of it all multiplies. By the end of the week, it's easy to convince myself that I "deserve" that pizza, cookie, or glass of wine... 🍕🍪🍷

My intentions typically start off with great determination at the beginning of the day, week, or month, but I've honestly struggled with following through on the things I know I should do to be the best version of myself. 😓

That's why I'm brimming with excitement to jump into the 2024 Clean Eating Challenge. 🌟 It's my way of reclaiming my health and shifting from mere survival to thriving. What makes this journey extra special is the built-in support system that hails from the very same industry I work in. 💪The common ground and camaraderie in this group are unparalleled. 👩‍🌾

One of my major hurdles will be prioritizing myself. Even taking the time to write this bio was a bit of a struggle, but the mere fact that it was a challenge serves as a reminder of how much I need to embark on this journey. 😌

I have specific goals in mind, including shedding some weight and getting a grip on managing stress. 😓 Furthermore, I'm committed to being a positive role model for my children. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 With the right planning and accountability, I'm all set to dive in. I can't wait to work with the nutritionist and reset my perspectives on healthy foods, portions, timing, and more. It's high time to cut through the overwhelming sea of often contradictory information that hasn't delivered the desired results. I'm also eager to connect with new people who share similar goals and embark on this journey together. 🥗💖🌟 #HealthyChoices #CleanEatingJourney #StrongerTogether

Viva Fresh
Grow Texas
Rio Fresh
Grow Texas