Clean Eating Chronicles
It’s often said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Each of our participants is on a journey; it will be long, it will be hard, it will often have breakdowns and even wrong directions. But it will be worth it! Check in on them weekly and cheer them on.

What’s New
Together, fresh fruit and vegetable producers, growers, promoters, importers, retailers, wholesalers (everyone!) – can begin the process to walk the talk and work to not just promote the consumption of fruits and vegetables but begin to adopt healthier lifestyles where we also eat more of what we grow and sell as we make healthier lifestyle choices.
Amy – One More Check In
I accepted this Viva Fresh Clean Eating Challenge a mere...
Tim – 25 Pounds Gone!
Viva Fresh Challenge – March 2021 As the Viva Fresh Expo...
Ashley – the Paper Towel Comparison
Check in with Ashley for your monthly motivation. She is...
John – Meet Me at the Exorcist Steps
Bret – Cooking Kale with My Mentor
The long-awaited recipe video from Bret and his mentor,...
Kimberly – January Update
Feeling better and more in control of her mental health....
Jen – The Last 9 Weeks
I’ve been in Ireland for the past month, away from home...
Bret – Our Recipe Blooper Reel
Please enjoy Bret's recipe blooper reel/day in the life...
Amy – What’s In My Fridge?
A quick tour of Amy's fridge