All of a sudden we are not 6 months but 6 weeks out from the end of the challenge! I am not sure how we got here already but I am still loving the constant reminder to eat more produce. February was full of life including work travel, tight deadlines, sick kids and everything in between. As my quest to eat more produce continues I am realizing some habits that started with this challenge that are now engrained in my life.
First, I always bought fresh fruit for my kids. Somethings are seasonal (I missed the mangos this winter) and some are staples (apples and watermelon) we have year-round. I don’t know when or how it happened but at some point I started “saving” the fruit in the house for my kids. I know, it makes zero sense! Since I started the CEC I am enjoying all the fruit and just buying more of it. We are also utilizing it differently. If we get to the end of a fruits “time” before we consume it, I am freezing individual pieces for future smoothies or making a huge batch of a smoothie and making smoothie-sicles for future use. Sometimes we don’t make the greatest combinations but usually they are a win. And the best part, this increased fruit consumption still feels like a treat!
Secondly, the power of soup. This won’t work when we get to July in Florida but making a soup each week, especially towards the end of the week, has helped us eat more veggies and use up what’s around that hasn’t been finished off for the week. The same can be said for a kids-cuterie board. Peppers and cucs go down faster with my kids when they are served gazing style! Just don’t forget the dips!
Lastly, on the road I am looking for more produce. I am sad about how hard it is to find sometimes. I did a lot of car trips this winter and I really hope we can make a difference in the gas station/convenience store world. I was craving fresh fruit but landed on a pouch because that was the best option. I am not below a kid’s pouch – still beats chips! I am also seeking out more grocery stores for their cleaner bathrooms and more produce selections.
Although I haven’t seen a huge shift in my weight, I am thrilled by some of these new habits I have developed as a part of this challenge. I feel like I am better balancing fiber and protein and consuming less empty calories. I hope to finish strong headed into the final weeks!