Hello from Clean Eating Challenge land. I’ve been on this journey now for a few weeks and I have to say I’m proud of my efforts to date. I had a few goals: lose some lbs, keep good habits, eliminate bad habits. So far, I’ve had a preliminary connect w/ CEC’s resident Nutritionist, Stacey, who was great, and was so clearly an expert who gave some great tips and offered insightful guidance. I’ve worked on eating more fruits and vegetables and through that, I’ve lost about five pounds, since the start of this. I’ve also slowed some of the habits I was looking to break and/or modify. These changes, along w/ drinking more water, appear to make me feel better, provide more energy and offer better sleep. Hard to be upset with those outcomes. Thank you CEC for bringing me into this — looking forward to what’s to come.
Progress Over Perfection
Progress isn’t about achieving perfection; it’s about showing up, trying, and learning along...