Hello and I hope everyone is having a successful clean eating challenge and reaching your personal goals. This month has been a mess for me, which is not out of the ordinary, but I have been working to make better eating decisions and reading labels so that I am at least trying to understand what foods are better and which are not. I started out the month with my appendix rupturing and was in the hospital for a week. Once I got out, I was limited to lifting no more than 10 lbs and limiting my bending. I was pretty much limited to just walking and it wasn’t my favorite thing to do for a while. I was able to get cleared to go back to normal activity the week of the IFPA show so I tested it out for sure. I got 14000 steps in the first day and 12000 the second day because we gave up a little early on the second day. That being said, I have been getting in 8000 or more steps a day and working my way up. I have been getting in 7 serving each day of fruits and vegetables and have lost some weight. I feel better and feel like I have a better balance and a clearer head. It seems like my blood pressure is better. I am looking forward to going to my doctor for my checkup. I have not said that in…never! I think I have been overweight since I was born. I played city league football when I was little with people three years older than me because I didn’t fit in my age groups weight limits. I wrestled 185 in seventh grade and wrestled guys that were a lot stronger and muscular than me and mostly ninth graders. Needless to say, I have been at it a while and happy to be doing something to lose weight and feel better. Hopefully November will be easier, and I can get more in a rhythm. Wish me luck!!!
Progress Over Perfection
Progress isn’t about achieving perfection; it’s about showing up, trying, and learning along...