It’s difficult to stay focused on the Challenge 100% of the time. I am guilty of not drinking enough water or getting 10k steps every day. Sometimes I cheat with a very small sweet tooth treat. The lifestyle change is however on my mind daily which is better than not thinking about health 2 months ago. Overall the results are great with regular exercise. I lost about 11 pounds, reduced a pant size, decreased blood pressure meds about one-third, and have more energy. My wife and I try to bike an average of 10 miles at least twice a week. I also use an elliptical walker 3 – 4 times per week. The most difficult thing is staying away from breads, chips, cheese, ice cream, pizza, and craft beers. Salad, unsalted nuts, vegetables, fresh fruits, eggs, meat, and fish are regular menu items. I’ve found our counter-top pressure cooker is great for making vegetable soups. So far I used yellow squash, onions, zucchini squash, spaghetti squash, and mushrooms – the experiment continues.
Progress Over Perfection
Progress isn’t about achieving perfection; it’s about showing up, trying, and learning along...