Clean Eating Chronicles
It’s often said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Each of our participants is on a journey; it will be long, it will be hard, it will often have breakdowns and even wrong directions. But it will be worth it! Check in on them weekly and cheer them on.
What’s New
Together, fresh fruit and vegetable producers, growers, promoters, importers, retailers, wholesalers (everyone!) – can begin the process to walk the talk and work to not just promote the consumption of fruits and vegetables but begin to adopt healthier lifestyles where we also eat more of what we grow and sell as we make healthier lifestyle choices.
Oscar – Holiday Blues
Food, Family & Shopping November for me is typically...
Jessica – Thankful
It's been a month since I started this journey and I must...
Lindsey – Putting $ in Produce
November marks a month of consciously participating in the...
Patrick – 50%+
As I have completed the first month of the #CEC I have...
Mayra – Temptation is not an option!
November is the month to give thanks and spend quality...
Megan – Happy Planksgiving
Every November my yoga studio celebrates Planksgiving and...
Julissa – Back in the Gym!
I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, Dec. 2018. Currently...
Angie – Balance
Balancing fast pace of our industry- traveling - trade...
Susan – Prioritizing Myself
Hello, my name is Susan Noritake. I joined the Clean...